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A high touch 1:1 program for SERIOUSLY ambitious service providers and coaches ready to bring in consistent sales, bestie vibe aligned clients, and their vision board dream business- all through their video content.

Create content that creates results- all on it’s own.

By implementing sales psychology, results-based attraction marketing strategies and personal brand building, you’ll feel confident knowing EXACTLY what you need to post to not only attract your ideal audience, but have them seeing YOU as the go-to coach or service provider that’s always in their heads.


Your content on TikTok CAN bring you results all on it’s own (yep, no more cold DMs or awkward IG interactions).

meet your

TikTok Coach

Hey! I’m Maggie.


6 figure entrepreneur. Half Brit half Aussie. Wife. Devoted cat mother. Ex private chef. December Sagittarius. ADHDer. Lover of Taylor Swift and a crispy diet coke. And more importantly...


A social media obsessed Zillenial turned TikTok Coach for female founders ready to get VISIBLE and create the business & life of their wildest Pinterest board dreams.


Whether you’re wanting to run a business that allows you to travel the world or literally just stay home with your cat (I’m somewhere in between)- freedom looks different to everyone and I’m here to help you achieve your version of it through your content.Whilst most coaches will teach you how to ‘get more followers’ or ‘go viral’- and though sometimes this does happen as a byproduct... just teaching you this is NOT my jam.


Because this isn’t a marketing strategy that will build the business you want.


What HAS brought my clients consistent sales and a highly engaged community? What allowed me to go from $2k a month to a 6 figure year in only 7 months?

Implementing my simple but proven marketing framework. Stepping away from tips & tricks content. And leading with their unique personality, experiences & stories to genuinely connect with their audience.

This is exactly what I’ll teach you to do (and so much more) during our time working together. Whether you’re a seasoned creator or you’re just starting out on TikTok, you’ll learn how to be strategically yourself and make $$$ doing it.

With my high level strategy and support, you’ll step into your confidence as the leader in the online space you KNOW you're ready to be. And most importantly, allow your work and your business to have a bigger IMPACT.


this is for you if...

  • You’re an established business owner and you have offers to serve your audience / clients

  • Maybe you’ve been posting content for a while, but you’re not yet satisfied with the amount of results and sales it’s bringing to you

  • Maybe for some of you, you even have a BIG following on TikTok or IG (congrats!)- but despite your raving audience, you don’t know what to say to convert them into your paying customers and clients

  • You know you want to impact more people and create 1:many offers like memberships and group programs, and you’ll need a rock solid marketing strategy to fill these out

  • You’re tired of content feeling like a guessing game. You want to truly understand WHY you’re posting, what it’s doing, and how to create repeatable results and consistently generate new leads

  • You’re ready to feel like THE industry leader, not just someone who posts on social media

 And importantly- You have a growth mindset and you’re ready to take ACTION. 




I’ve helped my clients get results through TikTok for 4 years. And while yes, growth and sales are GREAT, there’s another type of growth that’s literally life changing.


When you commit to understanding real marketing strategies and getting yourself on camera every single week, you’ll foster a DEEP confidence in yourself and your abilities. This confidence goes with you into EVERY area of your business- your sales conversations, your work with your clients, and the way you FEEL about your business.


This kinda result goes wayyyy beyond social media.

what you'll learn...

As every business owner brings different experience levels and support needs to the table- 1:1 coaching is completely bespoke to you and where you’re at! Here are just some of the things we will cover together:

✦ The MV Signature marketing framework (attract, assert, nurture & convert)

✦ How to customise it based on your business and your goals

✦ DEEP Target audience understanding

✦ Magnetic messaging

✦ The fundamentals of the TikTok platform and how to leverage it

✦ Launch content strategy & evergreen content strategy

✦ Authority & trust building

✦ Selling with integrity

✦ Analysing your data to tweak or pivot your strategy

✦ Building your Personal Brand and bestie community

✦ Consistent creator habits & time management strategies

✦ Cross platform repurposing strategy

✦ Lead magnets & capturing traffic from TikTok

✦ Creating aligned offers for your audience

✦ Overcoming mindset & confidence blocks




as my 1:1 client,

you'll get access to...

✔️ An initial in depth planning session to audit your content, go through what you struggle most with, and create your strategy


✔️ Fortnightly 1:1 coaching calls (60 mins) Access to my library of in depth video trainings about how to attract, nurture and convert your TikTok audience, as well as build your personal brand and community


✔️ Your coach (that’s me!) on speed dial in your back pocket Mon-Fri via WhatsApp Messaging

plus you'll also get

✔️ Unlimited project reviews with 1-2 days turnaround so you can get my eyes on your scripts, content, or anything else you’d like feedback on


✔️ Any group programs or masterclasses I run whilst we’re working together (including the TikTok Academy!)


✔️ Content planning systems, resources and templates


✔️ A support partner in your business- I’m INVESTED in your success and I’m here to help you and hold you accountable every step of the way!

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“Honestly, the best investment I’ve

made in my business so far”

“Before, I felt like I had hit a wall with my TikTok. I was really lost at what type of content to be sharing, the content that I was sharing wasn’t really getting results. Throughout the program my whole mindset completely shifted. I learnt exactly what type of content I should be sharing, I think I had 22 coaching applications that came through in the month of January, my sales and my coaching applications have increased. It’s just been amazing for my business. I just think Maggie is incredible. She makes sessions so much fun so engaging and I feel like I can come to her for support in my business in general. She’s really got my back and wants to see me succeed and I just love her.”

- Cassie Crowther, Virtual Assistant Coach





• Business Coaches • Graphic Designers • Virtual Assistants

• Dietitians • Spirituality / Mindset Coaches • Fitness Coaches • Web Designers

• Makeup Artists & Educators • Marketing Experts • Children's Health Practitioners  •

Women's Health Practitioners • Travel Consultants • Social Media Managers & Agencies

• Finance Experts • Life Coaches • Hypnotherapists • Photographers •

But when you learn a strategy that’s evidence based and tailored to how human beings buy? You don’t need to be in a specific industry or at a certain level to see results through your content.


You KNOW you're ready to get support and start seeing results through your content.

(otherwise let’s be real, you wouldn’t be here!)

As a business owner myself I’ve invested in support MANY times and I get it- it always feels a lil scary to take the leap.


But getting out of your comfort zone is ALWAYS the step that comes before growth.


So now’s the time to JUMP in with two feet and implement the strategies that have allowed me and dozens of my clients to build, grow and scale their businesses through their magnetic AF content.


You ready? I thought so!

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