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The TikTok Accelerator Program for purpose driven CEOs ready to become visible AF, attract EASY sales, and enter their industry leader ERA.


just a PSA...

Video Content is NOT just about getting your business visible...

YEP- that goes for TikTok too.

In this hybrid 1:1 & group program, you’ll understand EXACTLY what you need to be posting on TikTok (and everywhere else!) to not only grow your following...


but to attract a targeted audience who find your page, binge your content, and KNOW they’re ready to buy from you.


Your content is ALL YOU NEED to create the profitable & in demand biz of your dreams. So let's get to work!

But right now? Here's the current situation:


💥 You spend HOURS on your content each week hoping for high views... but if you're honest, you don't really understand what you need to say to your audience to create consistent sales.

💥 You're landing clients, but converting them is a CHORE. You're ready to leave the endless DMs and sales calls behind and have your content do 90% of the work for you.

💥 When you look at your content, there's not much of the real YOU coming across. You know you need to work on your personal brand but... what does that even mean?

💥 You started your business to actually help people & change lives, but your visibility always feels capped. You want thousands more of the RIGHT people watching your content and coming into your world.​


Here's the thing: Making sales in your business should NOT feel like you’re performing at the Eras Tour…

You shouldn't need to take 100 different forms or switch outfits 20 times to convince your ideal client that they should be your number 1 fan. 


And by switching outfits, I mean...

Engaging 10 mins before posting, tracking your leads, sending outreach DMs then sending them again when they ghost you, hopping on tonnes of sales calls, keeping your email list hot…


THE LIST GOES ON. And you know this way of making sales is unsustainable AF.

What if  instead of
bending over backwards for the algorithm and chasing after sales, 
your content brought your sales to YOU?


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👉🏼 You could post your content, turn your phone off, and wake up the next morning to see your notifications FULL of new followers, new leads and sales coming into your online world?

👉🏼 You created an ICONIC Personal Brand that not only stands out from the crowd, but that shows your audience why YOU are the one person they need to work with?


👉🏼 You established yourself as a highly credible & in demand industry leader- so there’s zero need for convincing people to work with you.

👉🏼 You could FINALLY launch that program, course or digital product, because your business was reaching hundreds & thousands of NEW targeted eyes each week

👉🏼 And imagine if you had an Academy of like minded business owners pushing you outta your comfort zone & holding you accountable, every step of the way towards this reality...

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The MTM Success Framework






Deep dive into the psyche of the person YOU want to attract, and understand them on their deepest levels, so that you can create content and align your offers with the exact transformation they’re DYING for right now.

This ain’t no “TikTok Growth Hacks” Course. Understand exactly what makes your audience tick and how to take them from “who even is this b*tch?” to “OMG I need what they’re selling like, right now” using proven visibility strategies & buyer psychology.

Discover what will make YOU stand out from the crowd. Understand your brand stories, uncover your points of differentiation and credibility, and use them to attract a targeted audience who are 100% sold on you.

Designed to take you from content creation CHORE to content creation HABIT.

Learn my *ADHD approved* processes to become that CEO  that posts every damn day, repurpose like a pro, and is consistent AF without sacrificing their sanity.

Take a look behind the scenes!

Okay- what's ACTUALLY inside the Academy?


When you join the Academy, you get access to...

  • 1:1 Kick Off Call to set your TikTok goals & vision and get individualised advice on how to get there

  • Access to the TikTok Academy Learning Portal to binge watch over 20+ in depth video trainings

  • Fortnightly Live Workshops, Hot Seat Coaching Calls and Content Audits

  • Monthly Live Masterclasses

  • Unlimited Project Reviews- whether it be your Content plan, TikTok scripts, or videos you’ve filmed, you can get my eyes on it! 

  • Access to Myself & other ambitious AF CEOs inside our Slack Community to hold you accountable and give you feedback

Want more support? Upgrade to VIP and you'll unlock:

  • 1x monthly 60 min 1:1 Strategy Session

  • Daily PRIVATE Slack Support (Mon-Fri)

  • Priority turnaround (1-2 days) on Project Reviews

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"In just 1 month of working together, Maggie helped me grow my TikTok community from ZERO to 25.5K followers AND exceed my course sales goal."

Jade, Online Photography Mentor

Meet Your Coach


Hey 👋🏼 I'm Maggie

A social media obsessed Zillenial 🤪 turned TikTok Strategist and Coach  ready to get you VISIBLE and help you create the biz & life of your Pinterest board dreams.

Whilst most coaches will teach you how to ‘get more followers’ or ‘go viral’- that’s not my jam 🙅🏽‍♀️

1. Because it’s not necessary for attracting clients and

2. Because virality does NOT equal community or money!

What HAS brought my clients consistent sales and a highly engaged community? What allowed me to go from $2k a month to a 6 figure year in only 7 MONTHS?


Implementing my simple but proven marketing framework. Stepping away from tips & tricks content. And leading with their unique personality, experiences & stories to genuinely connect with their audience.

This is exactly what I'll teach YOU to do in my signature program- To position yourself as a MAGNETIC creator and consistently generate sales through your content alone 🧲⚡️💰

With my high level strategy and support, you’ll step into your confidence as the leader in the online space you KNOW you're ready to be. 

Ready to make your TikTok content your MONEYMAKER?


Let's hear it from some TikTok Academy GRADUATES 🎓

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"Where do I start with Maggie? Maggie grew my TikTok following by 67K in 2 weeks, unleashing thousands of new clients and lucrative brand deals. Not only did I quickly return the investment through clients and brand deals, but most importantly, I gained confidence in myself and made a friend for life."

- Becky Rashidifard, Registered Dietitian


The Academy was MADE for you if...

+ You're an AMBITIOUS service based business owner or coach ready to take action on the proven strategy that's gonna blow up your business


+ You're ready to stop following the crowd and start letting YOUR personality guide your content


+ You've been creating content for a while but you're not on TikTok yet , OR you've been on TikTok for a while but you're struggling to see the conversions you KNOW are possible


+ OR you're a social media manager / marketing girlie ready to learn how to get results on TikTok for you AND your clients!


Ready for your content to create results like THESE?

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So far, we've supported...

⭐️ Business Coaches ⭐️ Graphic Designers ⭐️ Virtual Assistants

⭐️ Dietitians ⭐️ Spiritual / Mindset Coaches ⭐️ Fitness Coaches

⭐️ Web Designers ⭐️ Makeup Artists & Educators

⭐️ Children's Health & Wellbeing experts

⭐️ Marketing Experts ⭐️ Women's Health Practitioners

⭐️ Travel Consultants ⭐️ Social Media Managers & Agencies

💎 Most courses are surface level AF- in MTM you’ll get CUSTOMISED support and you’ll actually walk away UNDERSTANDING how to get results on your own


⏰ I have ADHD- trust me when I tell you this program is designed to SAVE YOU time and effort with your content


📈 The strategies that you learn inside MTM won’t just help you on TikTok! So many clients of mine have implemented what they've learned an seen BIG results on Instagram too 

This isn't just 

you don't have time for



another social media growth course 


How would it feel if all you had to do is post your content, log off, and know that it's working to make you money in your sleep?


  • When does the program start?
    The Academy is ever enrolling! You can join at any time and get straight to work 👏🏼
  • Do I need to already be on TikTok to join?
    NOPE! No prior TikTok experience is needed. The strategies I teach inside this program work if you're a TikTok beginner, OR if you've been on the platform for a while but your content isn't creating the sales you'd like.
  • Will this program help me go viral on TikTok?
    No, that's not the goal. You don't NEED to go viral on TikTok in order to make sales. Take it from me, I once I had a video get ONE MILLION VIEWS and it didn't bring me a single sale 😭 So instead, I'll teach you my proven marketing framework that will increase your leads, visibility, enquiries, AND conversions, without needing to go viral - wouldn't you rather have that? 😏
  • I'm a busy person- Do I even have time for TikTok?
    I get it- getting on TikTok if you haven't already can feel like a HUGE task that you don't have time for. BUT I promise you, it's what is going to unlock next level visibility for you and give you way more options in your business! Hellooooo freedom! In this program, there is an entire module on the habits & systems YOU need to save time and be efficient. PLUS, so many of my clients have found that focusing on TikTok actually improves their content & results on other platforms like Instagram (they've even gone viral just from reposting their TikToks to reels) Getting on TikTok is gonna make you a WAY more confident and magnetic business owner, wherever you go. 🔥
  • Why should I focus on TikTok right now instead of getting a business coach?
    I LOVE business coaches. I've had a few in my time and they've really helped me with the foundations of my business and to build great offers. However, not all Business Coaches are visibility experts. If you already have an established business with great offers, BUT you want to have more freedom, land clients easily and be able to sell out more passive options like group programs, courses and digital products, then it's TRAFFIC that you need- and the best way to generate that is by getting on TikTok!
  • I want to work with you but I'm not sure about a group program- why is this the right fit for me?
    I hear you- I've been dubious about group programs before and wanted that 1:1 support too! UNTIL I got myself in group programs and realised how helpful and empowering it is to be tackling my goals alongside people working towards the same thing. This program has been designed with YOU and YOUR RESULTS in mind. Getting an outside perspective on your content is so powerful. PLUS, you get added 1:1 support by upgrading to the VIP option- it's the best of both worlds!
  • What does the VIP option get me?
    The VIP option unlocks 3x powerful 1:1 strategy sessions with me, as well as 1:1 messaging. This is PERFECT for you if you're someone who likes working in 1:1 sessions and knows they'd benefit from having their coach on speed dial whenever they need!
  • Do I have lifetime access to the program?
    Of course! All the live trainings, call recordings, resources and templates are yours to keep and use, forever.
  • What times will our live calls be?
    I do not set the times for our live calls until the program begins. This is because each round of the Academy brings in new people from totally different parts of the world! Instead, everyone's time zones are taken into account when the live calls are scheduled, and multiple time slots for the same call/workshop are scheduled if there are time zones that do not work together. For example, in the last round of the Academy, we ran 2 time slots per live call- one to suit a US & Australia time zone, and one to suit a UK & Europe time zone. This way, everyone can utilise the live elements of this program and no one misses out!
  • Are there payment plans available?
    Yes! If you scroll up you'll see there are 3 payment plan options- pay in full, 2 payments, or 3 payments. If you wanna chat about more flexible options, just send me a DM!
  • I’ve got more questions… can we chat?
    Absolutely! Reach out to me on Instagram and let's talk about where you're at.


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